Benefits of Going Barefoot

Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. One of the easiest ways to ground yourself to the earth is to walk barefoot. Whether this is on grass, sand, or even mud, allowing your skin to touch the natural ground can provide you with grounding energy.

There are many benefits to grounding. Some benefits include reducing inflammation and pain, improving sleep, balancing circadian rhythms, improving blood flow, reducing blood viscosity, and accelerating the process of healing a trauma like a wound, surgery, etc.

Did you know that going barefoot can improve your balance and posture? Being barefoot works the muscles in your foot that control these functions; typically these muscles are cushioned by the support of shoes.

Our weak feet can lead to bad posture, which can lead to back pain, neck pain, and even knee pain. Knee pain is often caused by shoes that misplace your postural alignment. Walking barefoot every day will help you to feel these benefits!

Other benefits of walking barefoot include:

Better control of your foot position when it strikes the ground.

Improvements in balance, proprioception, and body awareness, which can help with pain relief.

Better foot mechanics, which can lead to improved mechanics of the hips, knees, and core.

Maintaining appropriate range of motion in your foot and ankle joints, as well as adequate strength and stability within your muscles and ligaments.

Relief from improperly fitting shoes, which may cause bunions, hammertoes, or other foot deformities.

Stronger leg muscles, which support the lower back region.








*This is not intended as medical advice. The information here is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you are seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.